Thursday, 21 June 2012

Today we went for our walk on the beach, what a beautiful morning.  Though mum was not too impressed with me crossing in peak hour traffic on pedestrian crossing and trying to have a poop.
She started dragging me across while I carried on.  She was sooooo embarrassed - and - she did not stop to pick it up, probably in someones garage floor by now or splatted on the rims.
Mum found a swiss ball on the beach, yes a blown up swiss ball, so she thought she would take it home as a joke and say to dad "Charley found a ball at the beach" and then he would see the size of it.
She did not anticipate crossing (yes the same crossing) with small dog on lead and huge swiss ball in the other.   People must have thought :
a) wow that dog is fantastic can chase that size ball
b) what lunatic carries that size ball to the beach for the dog!
c) So she does her swiss ball exercises on the beach in the dark at 6.45am
d) How does the dog return the ball after fetching.
e) Crazy person - now I've seen it all

rufff rufff rufff woof

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