Wednesday, 13 June 2012

ruffy de ruuf ruffy de ruff woof ruf woof

Round and round the mulberry bush, tail was wagging so fast. Mum had me on a long lead and I shot off and ran around a big pohutukawa tree, so she had to run round to catch up to pull in the lead, so I kept running, she kept running -  so round and round and round we went until she finally got close enough to pull in the lead.

Dad snook into the room with a scary mask on, I barked and barked and growled and barked and then hid behind mums legs.
Mum then came back in with a blonde curly thing on her head, I jumped on her when she sat down and pulled it off, she put it back, so I pulled if off.  She put it on Dad - I just left it, think it suited him.   Mum is too old to look like Marilyn Munro!!!

The weather is cold enough at the beach  to freeze the ............ oh that's right I dont have any anymore!!!!!!!!

Ruff Ruff
Charley (good job my name is spelt this way, could be a boy or girls  name!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Charley Charley Charley you have to get cunning like a weasel. Running with a lead attached will ensure another part of you anatomy is disconnected from your body. especially if running around trees.

    Next time your "feeder/cleaner" releases the lead, gather it up and run like the wind.... but remember to return as you need to be fed but you also need to show the feeder whom is BOSS!

    Wooooo. Oooof!
