Thursday, 3 May 2012

Mum takes me to the beach before 7am if it is fine – its fun  - just us two humans there – Oh and lots of seagulls.   I sit and look at them, then I lay real low cos they cant see me when I do that and then I take of real fast and chase them, can never catch them, wonder if I could learn to fly.
 Mum thinks I look cute, tongue out, ears flying – oh dear!
Dad left me at home for 4 hours yesterday, so I did not use dog door – he had to clean up. He was a bit grumpy.
Woof, TGIF

1 comment:

  1. Hey Charley, I thought I saw your uncle over here in France. He looked like you and there was doggy packages all over the city. Maybe you should come over and visit and bring your parents along

    Uncle Graham
